Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm so tired. I need break, holiday bla..bla..blaaaaaaaaaaaaa yah semacamnya lah, jgn belajar mulu, jgn tugas2 mulu. Pusing nihhhhh :'(

Pengen gak ketemu sama yg namanya fisika, kimia, biologi, matematika Hahhahahahahaha

imposible bgt.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

have a beautiful dream.
Ahhhhhhhh i want to take a bath HAHAHAA (gila ya, jam segini baru mandi)

This is for real (one of my fav song)

I've got emotion
Dripping out my pores and I
Thought I would let you know
You are the night light,
Ripping through my wicked world
How you make it sparkle and glow,
Before I lose control
There's just one thing you should know

This is for real, this time I mean it
I'm coming clean, please don't let go
I said from the start, that you could take it or leave it
I'd prefer that you keep it
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go

I had some nightmares,
Clawing at my skin and bones
I nearly did explode
You smoked the demons
Gave me back my feelings
Now I am good to go
Before, my face hits the floor
There's just one thing you should know

This is for real, this time I mean it
I'm coming clean, please don't let go
I said from the start, that you could take it or leave it
I'd prefer that you keep it
Don't let go

This is the best thing that I've ever had for real
This is the best thing that I've ever had for real

For a physical challenge I'm notoriously bored
Intravenous delivery, electrolytes and more
Everytime it's the same routine
Out with the bad, in with the clean
Before I lose all motor skills
There's one thing you should know

This is for real, this time I mean it
I'm coming clean, please don't let go
I said from the start, that you could take it or leave it
I'd prefer that you keep it
Don't let go

This is the best thing that I've ever had for real
This is the best thing that I've ever had for real

This is the best thing that I've ever had for real
This is the best thing that I've ever had for real
Today nothing special, nothing spectacular, ahhh pokoknya biasa aja deh.
pengen nonton the ugly truth deh. Ohhh gerard butler

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Haaaaaaaaaahhhh Lelah banget.
Kemaren saya baru berenang (ambil nilai dr sekolah) berangkat jam 3, nyampe rumah jam 7.
Pulang-pulang terkapar langsung tidur. Kebangun jam 12 an gara-gara mati lampu.
Haduh akhir2 ini PLN suka matiin lampu mendadak.
Rasanya pengen cepet2 go to college ahahahhhahhaaa.

Oh iya, dr beberapa hari yg lalu saya punya kebiasaan yg udh lama bgt ga saya lakukan (hahaha..azek) yaitu dengerin kaset, nyalain AC sambil tidur2 an. Aduh nikmat bgt.
Saya paling suka kalo lg baring2 dipenuhi oleh bantal2, enak anget gyahahahhaaa

Besok ketemu matimatika lagi oh iya biologay juga, ARGGGHHH saya belum bikin proposal. Gawat ini gawaaaaat.

Aduh dari tadi perasaan saya gak enak nih, gimana gitu. Trus kepala saya juga nyut2 an.
Udah yaaa, I want do something

Sunday, October 11, 2009

MORNING , happy sunday ALL

Duh pagi-pagi saya udh sakit perut aje. Hwaaaaa besok sekolah, trus pulang sekolah swim-swim deh.
Duh napa ya, saya males bgt sekolah. Rasanya tuh beraaaaaaaaatt bgt kalo sekolah. Ntar kalo saya jadi guru, I will make the atmosphere of the school becomes fun and not boring Gyahahahahahhaa.
Beneran deh.
Pengen cepet2 lulus SMA, trus kuliah. Tapi, dulu pas saya SMP pengen bgt cepet2 SMA. Giliran SMA pengen balik ke SMP, ternyata SMA tak seindah yang mereka katakan. Mungkin karena saya begitu tertekan (uiiihhhh bhsa nya lebayatun) dengan bioloGay, Fisik(t)ai, Kimi(t)ai, matimatika.
Haduh-haduh semoga kuliah gak ketemu mereka lagi deh (maybe math is still bolehlah, apaseehh)
Udah gak usah bahas yg bikin mood jelek.

HMm today saya mau melakukan:
1. nyuci baju (Hahahhahaa kayaknya seolah2 gw tuh kerja rodi gitu ya)
2. Belajar (idihhh sok-sok an)
3. Latihan
4. Mandi
5. Ngerjain tugas bioloGay
6. Lanjutin nonton Grey's anatomy ssn 5 duh kagak tamat-tamat nih
udah itu aja yang ada di otak saya.

Oh iya semalem saya nonton prison break di rcti. Aduh itu salah satu serial fav saya. Tapi saya udh ketinggalan banyak season. Saya cuma nonton sampe season 1. Yang di rcti kemaren, mosok si michael sm lincoln nya udh keluar gitu dr penjara. Sucre, T-bag juga. Trus si brad malah jadi penjahat, padahal dia dulu jadi petugas penjara yg paling ngeselin.
Aduh kayaknya saya harus beli dvd prison break nih, biar bs ngikutin.

Ok ok udah dulu ya ntar sambung lagi, saya mau nge-Youtube dulu. Bye bye

Saturday, October 10, 2009

another side of me

so confused. What should i write now.
AHA i got an idea.
I want to describing my self (fufufufufufuff)
alright pals, this is the real me that maybe you don't know or you already know.

1. Some people guess i'm a weak person. But the real, im not like that. I can do some extreme things (hahahahahaa)
2. I'm easily get angry (im sensitive)
3. don't like being around people who like to sneer
4. not really understand bout make up
6. too much thinking about everything (although unimportant things)
7. easily hungry
8. I love movie, music ohhh can't live without them
9. Really love read comic. And my fav author Usami maki, Motomi Kyousuke, Asihara Hinako, Nami akimoto
10. until now i've no boyfriend since i'm in prim school (but i'm single an i'm happy)
11. I really love taiwan & korean and some japanese series XDD

hahhhhahhaa, this is just several of me, next time i will tell you everything inside of me

Friday, October 09, 2009

I think it is very difficult to get a true friend.
We could be friends with a thousand people, but from a thousand people was very difficult to get a true friend.
There is a saying (I forget the origin where) that said: "if we give kindness to people, people will also give us good"
but sometimes I feel, the more I do good on that person, the more they treated me badly.
dasar manusia

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Besok ulangan biologai, malesssss. Haaaaaahhhhh saya anak IPA, tapi selalu remed pada pelajaran IPA terutama mat, fisika, biologi, kecuali kimia (taulah katena apa gyahahahahahhahaa)
Haduh-haduh... 3 tahun berturut2 jdi penghuni kawasan tetap remedial fisika, mat, bio. Saya jadi phobia nih sama pelajaran exact.
Oh iya, tadi setelah bincang2 sama teman, saya dpt info. Katanya kalo tidur setelah jam 1/2 4 sore bikin bodoh. O maiiii gattt saya sering bgt molor jam segono bangun2 jam 8 kalo gak 9. Haduh jgn sampe deh. Mulai besok saya berusaha ga tidur sore deh.
Semoga pas kuliah saya ga ketemu sm pelajaran2 exact, haduh nightmare bgt :'(

sudah yaaaaa saya mau mandi, belajar bio
Ga boleh 'peringkat terjun payung' lagi BYEEEEEEEEEEE


Friday, October 02, 2009

haduhh mata saya sakit, kepala saya pusing.
Tgl 5 mid semester. Hari pertama MATEMATIKA, FISIKA, agama.

2 pelajaran pertama o maiii gaaaaaaaatttttttt skali


saya belum mandi hahahahahahaggzzzzttt
duh tergila2 nih sm usami maki & motomi kyousuke
