Sunday, January 31, 2010
itu loh sinetron di rcti yg main christian sugi + julie estele (my twin, ngarep)
OK i know it's kinda tawdry, but i love it. Abis si Tian (christian sugiono) Guantengg pol-pol.
And the stupid things, a few days ago I woke up late (because i watch 'Amanah dlm cinta' lanjut JAWS) so i didn't go to school. paraaaah
Ok hari ini saya tugas at my church play clavinov. Sabtunya gak sempet latihan, yahh jadinya agak messy sih. Hahahahahhaa. Mama saya katanya dagdigdug, takut banyak salah. Tapi emang banyak salah. Tapi yg penting I've given the best to god (alah-alaaah)
Nah..nah..nah now i want post some pics, actually my boyfriend pics ngehehehehe
Hahahaha sebenernya masih banyak, besok lagi ya
Smell you later...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
hari yang aneh hahihuheho
Dari 3 nomor yg beranak gw HANYA bisa ngerjain 2 nomor dan kayaknya salah semua!! (PARAH)
Tadi tuh pas ulangan math, bener2 kayak mo muntah, enek bgt (saya tdk mengada2)
Mana AC di kelas mati-mati ,udh pusing, keringetan, mau muntah aduh campur aduk deh.
Baru nulis beberapa baris cara, apus lagi. Nulis lagi.. apus lagi.. ampe lecek tuh kertas (gara2 saking bingungnya).
Akhirnya saat2 yg ditunggu dateng juga, yaitu bunyi bel. THANKS GOD. Tapi gru gw bukannya suruh langsung ngumpulin kertas ulangan, malah nanya jam pelajaran dia udh abis/ blum.
Ya Olohhh, padahal udh superduperdubydubidum enek bgt!!!
Yah walau pada akhirnya dikumpulkanlah juga kertas ulangannya.
Setelah mat saya dkk mulai stress. Hal apapun yg gak lucu kita ketawain HAHAHAHA
Sebelum ulangan mat ada hal menggelikan yg terjadi between me and 'D' (inisal for her, karn dia malu kalo dicantumkan, because dialah tersangkanyaa hahhahaa)
Jadi saya & D ke toilet. Diperjalanan kembali ke kelas saya merasa rok saya wet2 gitu deh. Ya udh saya blowerin roknya di alat AC dan 'D' nemenin saya, tapi dia gak ikutan bcause her skirt not wet (gak pntng haha)
Setelah merasa lumayan kering ,kita kembali melanjutkan perjalanan ke kelas menyambut ulangan matematika.
Di jalan saya ngaca2 di jendela & si 'D' berada di belakang saya.
Eh tiba2 'D' nabrak saya dan menyenggol my br**st
O MAI GAATT saya kaget & 'D' syok beraaaaaaaat
tapi kami tertawa & 'D' udh minta maaf
hahahahhaa udh ahhhh
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
UAN ~ college
kalo mikirin kuliah jadi tambah pusing juga.
Pengennya sih kuliah jurusan keguruan. Mau masuk jurusan pend.usia dini atau pgsd atau desain grafis atau kesenian.
Gw pengen jadi guru Tk- SMP, gak mau jd guru SMA. Sereeeeem
Udah ya, mau beli martabak dulu nih. Babay
Monday, January 11, 2010
ok, forget bout my stupidfunnypeculiardisgusting moment .
"change the topic"
gw mau curhat sepatah dua patah kata.
Gw tuh suka kesel dan geli bgt ngeliat orang sok. Sok dlm segala hal
1. sok ganteng/cantik
2. sok gaul
3. sok wangi
4. sok pinter
5. sok eksis
6. sok bisa
7. sok penting
dan sebagai nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
"Segala perbuatan buruk dan menyakitkan yang pernah lu lakuin ke orang, itu bakal berbalik sama lu beribu-ribu kali lipaaaaaaat"
ih sumpah ya gw lagi kesel bgt ngeliat tingkah seseorang ,anaknya tuh sok bgt.
ih pengen gw 'hunus-hunus' tu orang. Pengen gw 'sambit-sambit'. Pengen gw cincang.
Jahat banget sih jd manusia, gak punya budi pekerti dan hati nurani apa jadi orang.
sori kalo posting kali ini agak lebay. Tapi ini jeritan hati (hehehehhe bhs gw).
pengen postingin ini krn pengalaman pribadi & nasib seorang teman, hahahahahhahaaaa
Ihhhhh pokoknya 'sebuah dan sesuatu' ini ngeselin bgt dan hrs dimusnahkan dari muka bumi ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 09, 2010
chit chat
Dan gw chat sama cowok turki. Tapi gw pretending to be someone else. Heheheehhee, jadi secara tdk langsung gw menipu dia. Sorry for you boy hehehee
nb> stranger: boy from turki
you : agista hanya agista
here we are.....
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ehehe
Stranger: ehehe
You: eehheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You: are u laugh?
Stranger: yea
You: NICE :D
Stranger: :d
Stranger: what is your name
Stranger: my name
Stranger: is osman
You: where r u cm frm?
Stranger: turkey
Stranger: are you came from İsrael
You: no, im from rusia
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: you are male ha?
You: im female. U?
Stranger: male
Stranger: and ı am 16
You: im 1 years older than u :)
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: :)
Stranger: my elder :D
Stranger: have you got a photo on web
You: hahaha. What no, sorry
You: umm do u hv facebook?
Stranger: no ı haven't
Stranger: it's so silly for our country's people
Stranger: do you have a msn account?
You: no i don'y have msn. Why
Stranger: because every one has got Facebook account
Stranger: and they are making
Stranger: silly things on facebook
Stranger: and it is unnecessary for me
You: Ok i see :) nice reason
You: still in SHS right?
Stranger: yea
Stranger: high school ı thinh
Stranger: thinh
You: yup :)
Stranger: me too
Stranger: have you got a boy friend :)
You: no i don't
You: i was broken with him last week (ih gw boongnya jago bgt deh hahahaha)
You: hahaha :"(
Stranger: ı am sorry
You: oh its alright, no problem
You: :D
Stranger: ı remembered him to you
You: no, i already forget bout him
You: how bout u, hv grlfriend?
Stranger: no haven't
You: why? (sorry for asking)
Stranger: because ı am not handsome ı think
Stranger: and ı want to be a soldier
Stranger: this is a bad job for a girl
You: Hahhahaha you're so wise boy :)
Stranger: wise?
Stranger: what is it means
Stranger: yea
Stranger: ı looked the dictionary
Stranger: :D
You: hahahaha ok
Stranger: (he gave me his pic hehehe)
Stranger: this is me
You: God created all men were handsome, and all girl were preety
You: ok wait a second
Stranger: ok ı am waiting
You: you're not ugly :)
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: this photo took
Stranger: when ı went to the fishing
You: Oh so u like fishing :) nice
Stranger: yea
Stranger: so if you want ı can
Stranger: send more photos
You: hahhahaa. what is your height
Stranger: 65-67
Stranger: ı am 1.85 cm
You: cm or m?
Stranger: cm :)
Stranger: ı said that
You: are u sure centimetre? not meter?
Stranger: 185 cm, 1.85 m
Stranger: thats ok?
You: OK hhehehehe thats right
You: do u hv email?
Stranger: yes ı have
Stranger: do you want?
You: if u don't mind :)
Stranger: it's my msn and e-mail
You: OK, if i make msn i will add u :)
Stranger: okey
You: wht r u doing right now?
Stranger: ı am chatting with you
Stranger: not anything
Stranger: ı am in school
Stranger: in computer lab.
You: you're still in school? umm what time is it now in
Stranger: 14:50
Stranger: we are still in school
You: ok :) is it winter in turkey?
Stranger: no autumn
Stranger: here is not cold enough
Stranger: last year we saw -38 degree
You: waww
You: now winter in my country
Stranger: yea ı know
Stranger: ı want to ask a question
Stranger: russian and polish
Stranger: same languages ı think
Stranger: ı will go to
Stranger: can you say something in Polish
Stranger: for example hello
Stranger: good by, how are you etc.
You: привет, как дела
You: that's meaning hello how r u?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: thanks
You: ok :)
Stranger: are you foreign language class student?
You: nope
You: why?
Stranger: how can you speak english fluently :)
Stranger: in my country
Stranger: little people know english
Stranger: they are foreign language class students :)
You: because my mother come from
Stranger: yea
You: so you are foreign language class student
You: ?
Stranger: ı can understand now
Stranger: yea ı am foreign language class student
You: that's nice:)
Stranger: :)
Stranger: ı want to go to
Stranger: ı know your special forces
Stranger: Spetnazs
Stranger: and your president, Putin who make Judo everywhere
Stranger: ı like judo
Stranger: ı am yellow belt :)
You: Hahahaha you're right. You so smart :)
You: but
You: i don't really like rusia
Stranger: why
You: umm i want to know a lot bout
Stranger: yea ı can understand you
You: i want to be a kindergarden teacher in
Stranger: ı am sure god will help you
Stranger: this is a holy job
You: thank you :)
You: i love childrren and i want to help
Stranger: my lesson is finished
You: bcause my mother said education in
Stranger: if you want to contact with me
You: Ok so u want to go back to
Stranger: you can send e-mail to my adress
You: OK :D
Stranger: ı am glad to meet you
Stranger: good bye
Stranger: god bless you
You: good bye osman
You: gbu too
You: nice to know u :)
Stranger: me too
Hahahhaha, capek jg chat nya tp enak. Sori ya buat osman ud ketepu. Hehehehe
Better late than never, i want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR
many things i want write