Friday, July 30, 2010

nano nano

Hai sudah lama saya tidak posting hehe
Maklum, saya cukup sibuk dengan university stuff, its really TIRED *sigh*
Well, i have a GOOD news *im so excited*
Saya lolos tahap seleksi dokumen di SSE!!!, praise the lord :D finally finally, setelah skian lama jatuh jatuh (ga pernah bangun) dgn masalah universitas, datanglah secercah harapan :D senangnya
Tapi ini blum selesai, masih ada 2 tahap seleksi lagi
Wish me luck for the next test :D
ps:mungkin post kali ini agak panjang, krn saya lg pengen ngetik wakwakwak
Akhir2 ini papa saya rada sensian gitu sm saya. I don't like! mungkin krn saya gagal 2X (umb & snmptn). Tp setelah tau saya lolos tahap seleksi SSE, papa jd ga sensian lg.

Oh iya, saya mulai bantu2 ngajar di kls 4 sd (sekolah milik keluarga) drpd saya dirumah & menjadi manusia yg useless yah apa salahnya mencoba sesuatu yg baru hehe. Awalnya dagdigdug. Tp ternyata anaknya baik2 & cukup pintar, jd nya ga terlalu susah diajarin. Saya ngajarin bhs indonesia hehe. Untung pelajarannya gampang, jd tertolong.
Pokoknya saya udh mantap. Saya mau jadi guru yg profesional. Bukan 'guru-guruan' (apa deh?) HAHAHAHA
Ok udh dulu mood capek ngetiknya udh timbul
BYE and God Bless :D

Oh wait im realllllyyyyyyyyyyy SAD because innekesachikoheningsangrilapinem gotta move to jogja on sunday. Buat ine klo kamu baca, i BEG you please bs gak diundur kbrangkatannya????? :( Because I & kuman want spend more days a LOT with youuuuu :((

Saturday, July 17, 2010

im not GIVE UP!

HAY, hows your day?
Well i failed for the second time :""(((
first umb and then snmptn. Really sad,disappointed,ashamed.
But God give me one chance, the LAST chance (i think), Penmaba mandiri.
Now, i have to study HARDER. I don't wanna make my parent disappointed. I wanna make them proud of me!
Wish me LUCK :D

quote for this week : "Kegagalan adalah awal dari keberhasilan" ----> just for cheering my self hahaha

Bye, have a nice Saturday
Good bless

ps: i really really NOT GOOD enough to make a title for the posting

Thursday, July 15, 2010

filled with the movies

Hai Hai Hai Hai
Im still on holiday, how bout you?

On last Tuesday, I & my shs friends (ine, rahma, nabil and tya) went to the cinema. We watched eclipse.

I prefer Twilight than eclipse. I don't know why. In eclipse i don't feel the passion. It's kinda boring on the beginning part.
Now, i don't really crazyfallinlove with edward cullen. Im crazy with Jacob black and JASPER HALE !! Arrggghh they're so damn HOT! especially JASPER. I loved his character, so mysterious.

After watched eclipse, me & rahma bought some dvd. I bought 3 dvds. Here They are..

1.)"The Bounty Hunter"
I bought this because of Gerard Butler. He's in the movie. But im little bit disappointed, its kinda boring movie (I think) .I didn't finish watch it, maybe another day i'll finished.
But gerard butler, you always be in my heart XD

2.) valentines day
I bought this because of the genre, romantic comedy. Another reason i bought this because of: Patrick dempsey, Bradley cooper and Erick dane. YUP they're in the movie!! But for the second time, i feel disappointed :( I was thought that patrick dempsey has a romantic scene with a happy ending story. But the fact is, He's not :(
Its kinda disgusted to tell this, Eric dane and bradley cooper become a Guy couple. YUCKS! a BIG YUCKS!! But it doesn't change anything, they always be my hottie hunks :D

3.) Sophie's Revenge
No, its not korean movie. I think its mandarin movie. I bought this because of my SO JI SUB!!! YUP he's in the movie WOHOOOO. Im too excited! I haven't watched this movie. Hopefully, it will not make me disappoint.

Well that's all. Have a nice Thursday, God bless

ps: Hmm i think i bought some movie because of the actor hehehe and i don't really good to make a title for the posting

Thursday, July 08, 2010


Hay, how's life
Well, just straight to the point.
I've been thinking, grateful is the hardest thing to do. But i'll try it eventhough im not sure i can do that.

Well, that's all hehhe
Im kinda lazy to write
BYE, have a nice Thursday