Sunday, August 02, 2009

02-08-2009, a BIG sunday

finally I have finished my responsibility in the churc. To play the clavinova .
I felt really nervous in the first until last song.
Hahahha :D
honestly, my legs was trembling. O mai gatt
but my parents said that this is my big experience
actually this is not the first time. But this is the first time I do with full band.
but I thank God, because I dare to serve God with my abilities that are still not perfect.

aduh capek juga nulis pake bhs inggris. Mikir dulu kata2 nya. Hahahahahha

abis nulis blog, saya mau :
1. Makan (laperrr)
2. Mandi
3. Bikin proposal Biologi

Ya tuhan untuk yang nomor 3 itu bener2 susah. Saya aja belum kepikiran mau melakukan percobaan pd tanaman apa? still in doubt to choose between biji cabe ato kacang tanah ato toge.
Udh gitu harus merangkai kata2 nya lgi. Aduhhhh malesss

Oh, iya detik2 mendekati 17 tahun. Saya harus lebih dewasa. Ga boleh suka 'NGARET WAKTU'.
Ya ampun, emang kebiasaan saya yg itu susah untuk di hilangkan....

Sudah ya, makin laper nih. Mo makan dulu..
Bye Pals

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